We enhance your artistic career
with personalized and effective solutions.
1:1 Sessions
A one-on-one session dedicated just for you and based on the needs of your project.
You will end the session with a specific document that will help you in the future.
Don't know where to start? Do you want to work on a very specific topic?
What you need is mentoring. Choose the option that best suits you.
If you want express mentoring in text form, send us your song and your question through Groover and we will respond in less than a week.
Music Marketing
We work on your musical brand with you as deeply as you choose.
Digital Media Plan
Do you already have the project together, the music and now you need the world to know you?
We will work on a plan tailored to you to find those listeners who deserve to know you.
Artist Development
What makes your musical project unique?
We will find the best way to shape your project so you know what you offer, how, where and to whom.
We always look for the answers within you.
Digital Release Campaign
Know and reach your listeners thanks to social media analytics. We will run a campaign focusing on a single objective: attract your potential fans.
We will look for the correct strategy and channel to spread your release.
Social Media
Free up your time to continue feeding your musical project with your creativity. Depending on your needs, we offer you plans for content, production and even community management.
Label Services
That's right, get record label services without selling your soul to the devil. The future is independent!
Music Production
Do you feel like they don't understand you? We work hand in hand with you to find the ideal producer, capture the concept of what you want and make it competitive with the industry.
We will accompany you throughout the entire process, from conceptualization to the final delivery of the master.
Digital Distribution
We are partners of Symphonic Distribution and we are always looking for new talents to enhance.
Are you interested? Let's talk!
Do you need a strategic overview for your musical project?
A manager is like the CEO of a company; manages the business of your project but you are still the owner.
Stop being an octopus with 24 tentacles. What if you take care of the music and we take care of the logistics of your event?
The Carbono 14 Entertainment quality is guaranteed.
That's how we started and we don't plan to quit.
If you have several shows set up and you need to sell them, we got you!
Music Business solutions
to enhance independent artists.
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Lima, Peru
Piacenza, Italia
© 2025 Carbono 14 Entertainment. All rights reserved.
Lorena Uría Fernán-Zegarra P. IVA 02957000991